PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide.
Before starting a blog, it is important to understand the goals. Who is a target audience and impact you want to get on this audience. Writing a blog is the way of delivering a message. It requires following the same principles which are: creation of message and delivering a message. Message is like the idea which would stay void regardless of importance unless somebody can push it through. Modern blogger has a variety of tools to facilitate publishing activity. The most widespread platform for blogging for the last 10 to 15 years was WordPress. But Wix provides all in one site builder. What to choose from Wix vs WordPress dilemma?
Would you compare Wix vs WordPress or other platform if you have WordPress already.
Today there are more platforms coming out to the market. Most of them are set up for blog writing. Such website platforms as Wix, Showit, Squarespace have their own set of blogging tools. Blogger can use to move forward with his work.
WIX templates provide a great opportunity for blogger that has zero coding experience to start his own blog. Using WIX template site blogger can concentrate on his work without paying much attention to design and layout.
But what about WordPress blogger vs Wix blogger? WordPress to Wix. Is it worth it? Before any blogger is ready for switching from WordPress to Wix he needs to answer following questions:
If we compare a WordPress Blogger vs Wix Blogger it is not only blog but the entire content becomes user friendly. As a result any fresh or experienced blogger can adapt in no time. But why Wix is still beneficial.
Well. In Wix a fashionable design and lay out can be applied to the blog and to entire website. It is all can be done by blogger. In WordPress to make some layout amendments would most likely require a change of entire theme.
Some bloggers for whom design is as important as a core of their content consider Wix as a safety straw. They are able to become creative and outstanding in the eye of their audience.
Usually those who have creative skill set do not like to go in deep programming just to change the template outlook. At the same time each blogger would like to add something new in its blog to keep the audience attracted.
Design facilitation feature of Wix alone provides a substantial advantage for number of bloggers writing about variety of different stuff. Thus, when bloggers compare WordPress to Wix it is out of question of what to choose.
It is rather easy to say but not as easy to accomplish. There is no direct method of switching from WordPress to Wix. If it is a fresh blogger who decides where to start it is not such a big dilemma. At the same time if the blogger has an existing blog on WordPress or somewhere else it is a huge work to transfer everything manually.
How to switch from WordPress to Wix without losing all the data is a major concern to all the experienced bloggers. Some people even do Wix vs WordPress migration. There are many steps of organizing transfer WordPress to Wix in terms of backing up data and preserving the content. There are even a number of migration tools and plugins that mostly do not work.
To accomplish the WordPress to wix migration blogger should first :
1.Make a back up of his posts database.
2. Back up his entire WordPress Website.
3. Create a fresh website on Wix.
4. Try to migrate posts database to Wix blog plugin. If this does not work – manually transfer all the posts.
5. Do not delete your old WordPress website till you see that your Wix is fine and working. Also do a back up of your Wix website.
Following this easy steps would most likely prevent you from any issues Wix vs WordPress migration.
Once you are done you can enjoy all the benefits Wix provides to its site holders.
WIX template samples provide broad variety of options to choose from. They are free of charge and are available for bloggers who do not want to spend much money till they can earn.
WIX template portfolio has a lot to offer to almost any kind of blogger. WIX template examples can fit the need for all types of bloggers. Whether it is an Influencer or Social Media Coach, Beauty Blogger or Nutritionist, Fitness Coach or Education Mentor, everybody can fit in.
Some bloggers have questions whether they can switch WIX template to wordpress once their blog would grow and need extra customization. WIX templates work only with their own environment. However today Wix provides a fully versatile platform where any user can customize the website template to own will without any need of template change.
In order to proceed with Wix template a startup blogger should get registered on a WIX website, pick up a template example and start set up his website. Wix template sites can be edited only with no coding experience as all is done through user panel.
Another important feature of modern Wix templates is the become more and more optimized for SEO. Search optimization is stronghold to target key audience and
Wix paid lots of attention to enable its templates be optimized for search engines.
Now in-page optimization is available to even unexperienced users who can pass Wix template education course where any user can get important details of how optimize his template to move it up to the top.
Basically, the major factors of success are using proper meta tags that would make the blog page stand out from others and putting in them in the right place. It is not something that can be done in a day but a constant day to day work to raise more attention to the blog.
At the same time search optimization is not only making the blog page better reflecting its topics but also a resource that need to gathers reputation in the internet. The more references would be at the blogger website the higher in search order it would pop up to gather key audience.
This is why it is important not only to attract bigger audience but also to attract key audience that are interested in the subject.
Even if the blog message is great but the optimization is not set up properly a blogger can simply miss the most interested readers. In this case the blog with the great message would not perform as good due to focusing on wrong audience.
This is why it is important to tune search tags exactly to inquires of demand of user. This task should become a priority regardless of the type of website. Even such widespread inquiries as “wix template restaurant” or wix template realtor” can attract audience interesting in something completely different from what is given on a website whether it is done with help of Wix templates or not.
PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide. Specializing in Showit WIX & Squarespace website design for female entrepreneurs.