If you have an existing, established website on Squarespace already AND have lots of content on your website that you don’t want to transfer over to a new template, eg: blog posts, shop inventory, image galleries, strong existing SEO.
-Don’t have any website or account with Squarespace yet
-Already have a website with Squarespace but don’t have lots of content to transfer
-Want to start fresh with your new template
We used it before the hipsters did.
Infinite battery life, no loading time, no data fees.
Wouldn't it be awesome if these were wearable?
Once we gain access to your site, we will add the template pages into your Not Linked section of your pages panel.
We won’t edit any existing page structure or content that you have on your website.
Because the template will have different design settings (site styles) than your existing website, we can either replace all of your site styles with the template settings, OR we can leave your site styles as they are—up to you!
You’ll need to add your own content into the new template. The Install Package doesn’t include any customizations.
The best purchase I’ve made for my business!! I’ve made my own website before from scratch and it takes days upon days. This was so nice to have a good layout, and just change things to my own wording + move things around. I had a couple questions after I got started working on it, and the customer service was AMAZING!!! Definitely recommend purchasing from this seller!
I am a Squarespace 7.0 user and recently switched to 7.1. Up till now, I did my own website, which is fine and it worked, but I was getting tired of fonts out of place, images not fitting right, etcs, so I decided to try template. Highly highly recommend this creator. Not only was it a smooth transfer to an existing site, but she also went up and above with making sure it was done quickly. Excellent communicator and provider. Saved me a ton of money and time. Thank you.
Dr Z Phd
I bought a Squarespace template from Irina after getting frustrating with how many hours I was wasting with my ShowIt website. I needed something that was going to be quick and easy to edit and add new sales pages to. She sent me access straight away and I got started working on it that very same evening! She also added my custom fonts to the template so now it looks super on brand. I couldn’t be happier! Thank you.