PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide.
Wix becoming more and more popular site constructor among wide range of businesses. Along With its audience growth Wix started to offer many new services that were done before solely with the help of programmers. Given that system became more versatile there is a demand from existing users of other website hosting providers to move to Wix hosting. Many users decide to explore new opportunities. Some just received free domain voucher Wix provides to its switching customers and would like to try new platform. But to complete a migration is not a one step process. Apart from transferring the content users have to deal with Transfer domain to Wix procedure.
Some of users want to transfer domain from Namecheap to Wix. Others are willing to know how to connect GoDaddy domain to Wix. Connect google domain to Wix is another question that bothers some Google site builder users. To transfer domain to Wix you have undergo the same steps as in a regular domain transfer.
Many Namecheap users who became familiar with new Wix features and SEO improvements are thinking about migration. First, they need to set up a Wix hosting and move their content. Second thing they need to take care of is transfer domain to Wix. Transferring of a domain happens separately.
In order to finalize the operation future Wix users should follow these steps:
Upgrade to premium Wix subscription.
Choose an option of transfer the domain from external source.
Go to Namecheap and change DNS servers to WIX ones.
Provide a passcode to Wix domain registry service in order to finalize the transaction.
Once following steps are done you would have several days of waiting till domain is transferred to Wix. Then the procedure of transfer domain from Namecheap to Wix would be completed.
Basically, transferring domain to Wix has no difference from a regular domain transfer between registrars.
At the same time there are many users who do not want to transfer their domain between registrars but just connect their domain to a new hosting.
Many GoDaddy hosting users prefer to find a way of how to connect GoDaddy domain to Wix rather than do transfer. This way of moving forward is fine for a short run. A person may want to try Wix first while staying on GoDaddy or other existing hosting. And decide after he explores all the benefits and potential limitations of a new hosting. Wix domain forwarding is a perfect tool to use in this case.
Some users decide to go for Wix because they decided to use Free domain Voucher Wix offered them while ago.
At the same time having hosting and domain in a different registrar is not recommended for a number of reasons. First of all, Wix already provides a free domain parking if you purchase a premium subscription. Also, your entire website now depends on two servers instead of one. First server holds your domain. Second server holds your shared hosting on it.
Thus, you increase chance of entire website getting down due to issues on each of the platforms. Having hosting and domain at the same please has more uptime as issues are limited to one carrying platform.
Finally, the most important reason is the speed decrease. If you have domain and hosting on different platforms your site speed would be lower as internet signal has to go over two platforms.
As we can see if you plan to switch to Wix first you should think how to connect GoDaddy domain to Wix. If everything works fine, you should start domain forwarding.
As you we covered in this article a domain transfer is a what you should do if you want to switch to WIX. Wix Domain forwarding is a temporary measure for a small time period. You can operate like that to decide whether you want to stay with Wix or not. Free domain voucher Wix offer is developed for those who tried but is hesitates to switch.
Despite the procedure of domain transfer being straight forward many users still have issues with it. Many users can find it confusing as they perform it first time in their lives. Even those who did transfer before usually forget all the steps. Luckily Wix created straight forward procedure to connect Google domain to Wix.
There is an option inside Wix on how to connect Google domain to Wix. You should use the option once you upgraded to premium subscription so you can have your first level domain attached.
In order to proceed choose an option of connect Google domains to Wix. It will follow you through the same procedure of changing DNS and passing the key phrase to your new registrar. A procedure that we covered to explain how to transfer Namecheap domain to Wix.
No matter which platform or hosting provider you want to go. It is always strongly advisable to have hosting and domain on the same service provider platform.
PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide. Specializing in Showit WIX & Squarespace website design for female entrepreneurs.