PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide.
To Compare Wix vs Google sites we need to make a list of check points:
Wix has hundreds of templates for any industry or profile.
Using Wix you can find exact template you need and customize it further on.
Google has around ten templates to start your website on.
Both Wix and Google have easy user interface to build a website. You can add and manage any content you need. Wix has more developed editor that shows you mistakes in case you did any during the process.
Wix has lots of features that you can integrate in your website. Hundreds of apps providing features are available right from the Wix editor. Also, Wix has an option of code injection for third party apps. It means that you can install any application by embedding the code inside.
Google allows you to install only his apps such as docs, maps, calendar, sheets, forms etc.
Wix is a clear winner here if we compare Wix vs Google sites in ways of adding third party plugin.
Both builders have options. to optimize the website for SEO. Wix provides meta tags and description tags. Wix makes all added picture and texts be optimized for SEO purposes.
Google builder does have all the above features in its turn. But, in addition, it is natively optimized for SEO of Google search engine.
Google does not have a custom template marketplace.
Wix templates done by custom designers are available on many major marketplaces.
Thus, you can find a design that would most likely be fit for your needs or order a professional designer to customize it.
Wix designers can duplicate and sell their websites to the audience.
Duplicate a Wix site is an essential tool you need to have if you want to develop your Wix project. it helps you to solve how to transfer premium plan in Wix to another template. Duplicating Website plays a crucial role in backing up your website. Even if you did not loose anything it helps you to save your progress at each step. So you can return to any points of your update in case of retracting changes.
Let’s say you got a new template and wondering how how to transfer premium plan in Wix. If you have a back up you can easily make a transfer of your domain to new Wix template. The old template would hold the entire information which you can copy from there to a new template. Duplicate a Wix site helps a lot to solve a question how to transfer premium plan in Wix without loosing the data.
Go to the dashboard of the site you want to copy. Click Site Actions. Click Duplicate Site. Enter a name for the copy. Click Duplicate.
You can create as many sites as you need within 1 Wix account. If you reach the limit of free sites you can have within your account, you can upgrade your sites to Premium or move old sites to trash.
As you can see even if you have a free subscription website is it highly recommended to duplicate a website. No matter if you have it done in Wix or in other Website constructor , you need to create a back up copies. There are some well known cases when people decided to drop their projects having to means to develop it further just to return to the later. Thus, it is very important to preserve a back up copy of you work even in case you would not need it by all means.
PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide. Specializing in Showit WIX & Squarespace website design for female entrepreneurs.