PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide.
Squarespace is a very popular site-building program which also carries e-commerce tools and invoicing features. If you are a business owner who is managing transactions through Sqsp invoice, chances are that you will have to edit an invoice due to an error on your end or because of changes in client requirements. The direct editing of invoices is not feasible due to the Inability, thus, other alternative means may be resorted to.
Look at the original invoice and establish which details need to be edited. The invoices can be found through the Commerce panel on your Squarespace invoice dashboard.
Altering invoices with this method is not possible after issuing one, we therefore suggest that you cancel that given invoice and create a new one instead.
From here, you can proceed with creating another invoice after canceling the one with the error.
After issuing a new invoice, inform your client of corrections made so they can confirm their receipt of the right version. Communication is mostly required for professionalism and payment delays.
Should frequent invoice editing be an apparent bane, third-party accounting software integration could be considered, whether QuickBooks or FreshBooks. An integration allows for a more flexible approach in handling invoices so that you can edit invoices when they’re still live and not canceled.
They have never sent an invoice; thus, it is also easy for them to edit the details:
When an invoice has been sent, some of its particulars get locked, however, some elements can still be modified.
In cases where an invoice has been sent and requires major changes to be made (like change of customer or total amount):
If you need to change all invoices concerning your business (name, address, logo):
Yes, you can change invoices sent from Squarespace templates, but under certain restrictions. This is how it works:
Changes are possible after sending an invoice in the sqsp invoice depending on its status.
Changeable. Changes can be made to invoices after the client has signed and is being sent out for payment. Details such as due date, item description, pricing, and even information of the recipient can be changed.
Editing Steps:
You may not change the original one, but you may collect a credit amount or issue a new invoice against that amount.
Absolutely no. Edits cannot occur because payments already occurred. Likely you, as a seller in case of an error, will have to refund or issue a revised invoice.
If canceled, was an invoice that was sent via a link incorrectly, but not paid, go ahead and recreate a new one. For activating the cancellation, simply open the invoice and click on Cancel Invoice (this will void the invoice). After that, you will recreate a new invoice with all correct pieces of information.
Once an invoice is marked paid, it cannot be edited in the sqsp invoice. This feature of invoicing is designed by Square to ensure accuracy in financial record-keeping and so that once it has processed a payment, it locks the invoice upon it.
If you have to amend a paid invoice, you have several options:
If there is a minor alteration to be made, you can instead give a discount or credit to the customer on their next purchase instead of changing the paid invoice.
Squarespace templates will charge you transaction fees depending on your plan choice. Here is a list of their transaction fee structures.
InvoicerPro is a practical and user-friendly Squarespace template designed for business owners, freelancers, or budding entrepreneurs eager to breathe a little life into every single square of the way to having their invoices managed in Squarespace.
With a structured layout, bold call-to-action buttons, and an FAQ, visitors will find solutions to their queries about our billing.
The site has:
Guide is a minimalist and yet engaging site template specifically made for blogs about high-tech professionals, business consultants, and Squarespace themes users involved in the invoice regulation trade. Clean designed to enhance user-friendly website, works with simple content blocks to guide users through so many invoicing tutorials. The site boasts these extraordinary features:
No, editing is not possible once an invoice is sent. You can just cancel it and create a new one with the changes.
If an invoice is not sent, editing can be done in the following manner:
– In your Squarespace themes dashboard, go to Commerce Invoices.
– Select the draft invoice you wish to edit.
– Click on the fields that you wish to change, such as the recipient’s information, item descriptions, or pricing.
– Save your changes before sending the invoice.
For sent invoices, since changes are not honored, one should either:
a. Cancel the invoice- If not paid, the invoice can be canceled and the edited version sent
b. Send a new invoice, if already paid, a credit note may have to be issued or a rectified invoice sent instead of the original.
The answer is no changes can be made in payment details for a sent invoice. You will have to issue a new invoice with changes.
To cancel an invoice:
– Go to Commerce > Invoices in your Squarespace dashboard.
– Find the invoice you wish to cancel.
– Click on Cancel Invoice and confirm.
Yes, if it is still a draft, you can edit it and send it. If it has been sent, you need to cancel it and create a new one.
To duplicate an invoice:
Go to Commerce >
Invoices, and open the invoice you want to copy.
Click Duplicate Invoice. Edit and send the new invoice.
Yes, these additional notes or instructions can be added before sending the invoice:
– Open invoice draft.
– Scroll down to the Notes or Payment Instructions section.
– Type in extra details of your convenience like the method of payment or terms.
– Save changes and send invoice.
Yes, you can send invoices with different currencies per the store settings in Squarespace themes. But prepare everything in advance, because:
The payment processor that you use supports this currency.
The currency must be set correctly, needed before the invoice can be sent out: it can’t be changed afterward.
Go to Commerce > Invoices in the Squarespace themes dashboard.
Filter invoices through the Overdue filter.
Now click on an overdue invoice to view details and send reminders for possible payments.
Yes, Squarespace does have manual reminders for overdue invoices, but it does not have built-in automated reminders. You might have to configure the setup through a third-party app.
Squarespace themes do not issue recurring invoices by default. Sending recurring bills has to be manually duplicated and sent.
Though direct edit is impossible in the issued invoices in Squarespace themes, good ways to countercheck that is synonymous with cancel and reissue invoicing and holds a fair chance. Third-party integration can give a lot more flexibility in working with the sqsp invoice. The best record keeping and open communication with the clients allow your business to smoothly manage its finances.
PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide. Specializing in Showit WIX & Squarespace website design for female entrepreneurs.