PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide.
What it takes to make a choice between Showit vs WordPress and other site constructors.
Back in history when WordPress just appeared there were not many alternatives. If you wanted to have your own blog or even the website done in a constructor you had a narrow choice. Today with new site constructors coming almost every half year you need to make a thorough selection.
Even if you decided that you do not want WordPress but more optimized site constructor a choice challenge remains. A choice as whether to choose Wix vs Showit or Squarespace vs Showit is way harder to make. Especially if you do not need a big website but a simple Showit website with Showit login form.
It is relatively easy to figure out what you need while comparing Showit vs WordPress. If you want a nice presetup landing page that sells some exclusive stuff or services your best bet would be Showit sales page with Showit login form. Choosing WordPress as a sales landing page gives you more customizing options which one rarely needs. At the same time WordPress sales page would definitely have more rigid design while comparing to Showit. Showit vs WordPress has different pricing approach.
Both WordPress and Showit do not provide their own payment gateway so you would have to choose on our own. If we take WordPress then it mostly uses WooCommerce check out options. Payment gateway for Showit template can be done with multiple payment gateway systems. Such payment processors as Shopify, Paddle, Check Out and others can be integrated into payment button on front Showit login page. You can make Showit login be the same as payment system login and have stay logged in inside both systems at the same time. Showit WordPress blog has the same login as Showit login by default.
Showit platform is not for free and there is a monthly charge to use this system. If you need system with Blog, it is another extra monthly charge. WordPress in its turn does not charge money for setup. What you pay for is the shared hosting WordPress is located on.
If there are no or little items sold in the beginning of the website live WordPress is cheaper to maintain. Showit distinct advantage is its graphical composition. Your Showit sale page template would look way better than the one built on any other site constructor. This in turn can attract new customers and get you the first sales faster. Both site constructors require additional pay to their payment gateways. It happens in flat monthly rate plus percentage of the sale.
When you finally want to make your choice think about the type of the goods or service sold.
Depending on types of goods or services graphical aspect differently affects consumer will to buy the item. For such goods as electronics where a customer has a presetup demand a beautiful design can play a little role. It is a graphical design that can finally convince the consumer.
Comparing Showit to Wix is even a trickier task as there are less obvious differences between two types of constructors. First of all, Wix site constructor is an automated template that provides you with tools to design the website without any external help. Almost all the modern features and options developed for the websites today are available in Wix.
Show it has fewer number of integrated features. For example, to design a sales page template you would need to need more creativity. Most of the extra features are added manually and are not presetup options. Initially it looks harder to novice. In Wix you basically do not need any knowledge or coding experience to build up a website. A wide range of tools provided helps you to build the website with desired functionality.
Wix has its own check out system so you do not have to pay extra and have a hassle of integrating it into your website. But what you will get as a result is a mainstream nice-looking website. Wix has also cheaper plans then Showit that allows to start with fewer costs.
Showit would require you to at least have some drawing skills to create a fashionable look of the template.
Some work is done manually including integration of payment gateway. But that work is what it makes Showit websites look unique. For this very case one should understand what is of his best interests. If you want a regular website with convenient functionality your best bet is Wix.
If you want an outstanding website that can make impression from the first look, out of Showit vs Wix choose Showit.
We cannot compare Squarespace vs Showit defining what Squarespace is. Squarespace site constructor that was initially create to provide an ability to sell online. Despite huge development over last twenty years and plenty of functions added Squarespace remains a online sales platform.
It does not mean that you are obliged to start an online shop like on Shopify. A lot of websites of different kind were created on Squarespace. But the ecommerce is the profile Squarespace has best fit for. A choice of picking up Squarespace vs Showit is feasible only if you plant to start an ecommerce shop.
The next step is to understand what kind of goods and in what quantity you are planning to sell. Squarespace platform works well with adding large number of goods for sale. Thus, scaling your business and expanding an inventory is what Squarespace is best at. Showit platform allows you to sell on-line. As we mentioned above one would need to integrate payment gateway and add all items for check out manually.
That would work well with a limited number of items, where you can do all your work of adding items manually. If there are more than 20-30 items it would be challenging to items so many items doing everything by hand. Squarespace charges around 15$ per month including check out commissions. Adding blog is free. If you want the same setup with Showit you would have to pay 40$ without check out charge.
If you go with Showit in your Squarespace vs Showit dilemma you would be able to get an appealing design template. Not another regular shop as with template. Today there are many people who are switching from Squarespace to Showit for better design of their on-line shop. They all do it to get a better look of their website in case they sell limited number of goods and services with no intention to scale.
PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide. Specializing in Showit WIX & Squarespace website design for female entrepreneurs.