PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide.
In the blogging world, the platform played a very pivotal role, having the right one could ensure the success of a blog. Among the many website builders today, which are aimed at the creation of a blog, Squarespace themes happen to be among the highest-ranked according to actual popularity in terms of sleek design templates and simple user-friendly features. But really, is squarespace good for blogging? This will be a deep dive into its features, pros and cons, pricing, SEO capabilities, and how well it performs compared to alternatives like WordPress.
Squarespace themes are a full-featured website builder where you can build professional-looking websites with little or no coding skills. First launched in 2004, it became a significant player in the small business, small arts, photography, and blogging marketplaces, owing to its aesthetic templates and ease of use.
Among the selling points of Squarespace themes, it’s through the very assimilated interface. In contrast to the manual installation with lots of plug-in installations that would be necessary in WordPress, is squarespace good for blogging, provides an editor that uses drag and drop, thus making things easier for customers who are new to the surfing world.
Is squarespace good for blogging, renowned for its stunning, high-quality templates. All templates are responsive, meaning your blog will look great on both desktop and mobile devices. If you are an aesthetics-first person, you will find that Squarespace themes excel in their design capabilities.
Squarespace themes have several blogging features, such as:
Inbuilt are different robust SEO tools as follows below:
To be honest, SEO-wise, compared to WordPress, is squarespace good for blogging, does provide limited options because there are no such extensive types of third-party SEO plug-ins.
If your goal is to make money out of your blog, then Squarespace themes give you some options like:
Squarespace would be a good choice for those bloggers who do not mind design-inclined, user-friendly, fully built-in features. Best suited for:
However, should you desire deep customization with a lot of plug-ins and advanced SEO tools, WordPress might be better suited.
For blogging, this minimalist modern Squarespace template will provide you with a clean, spacious layout, with great typography, and an exclusive monochrome palette. Excellent blog template for personal bloggers or writers by journalists. It’s features include a section for featured posts, social media integration, and a sign-up form for subscribers.
Key Features:
This template strikes a balance between demanding attention and holding one’s attention, an aspiring Squarespace theme for bloggers, photographers, and storytellers. With its magazine-style grid layout, parallax scrolling, and dynamic image galleries, this is the theme that would satisfy anyone who sees this as a perfect fit for travel, food, or fashion blogging. In addition, it includes a customizable homepage which allows bloggers to feature current or special articles.
Key Features:
Strategy and Quality Content in Combination with Efficient Monetization Means One Should Know How to Make Money in Squarespace templates. True, the website is appealing as it offers amazing templates and blogging facilities, but it’s not only designed for bloggers interested in generating a few bucks more. Here are a few ways to monetize your blog on Squarespace:
Squarespace does not specifically support advertisements, but it can be configured to allow manual placing of ads through:
Tell something to people whose interests are close to yours and get commissions for successful referrals. Here are some of the most popular affiliate programs:
Links can be added through keywords with the use of Squarespace templates features or directly to your blog writing.
You can sell various digital downloads on Squarespace templates. Those include, but are not restricted to:
For instance:
Create a premium bundle for those willing to pay within Member Areas on Squarespace. For instance:
Brands pay bloggers to post ad messages regarding their product or deliver a review from the bloggers. The bigger your following gets, the more you can take advantage of that huge popularity with the likes of:
If you have an already well-established brand, then you can take advantage of the eCommerce features on Squarespace templates to sell:
It’s possible to put ads onto a Squarespace blog, but this seems a bit more difficult than simply uploading ads to WordPress and other platforms. Since Squarespace isn’t equipped with ad management, there are several methods by which ads can be included in your blog:
Google AdSense is one of the more common ways to earn something from a blog. So, if you are looking for a way to put AdSense into Squarespace, here is what you need to do:
Go to your Squarespace blog and paste the code there by:
You can earn commissions through affiliate marketing for endorsing products. Other ways of advertising on your Squarespace blog include:
For a niche audience, either space program can be sold to businesses directly, like:
You may also consider other ad networks besides AdSense:
The networks usually adopt a certain number of visitors every month, so it won’t work for new blogs.
More control over your ads will be provided through:
Yes, you can import your blog content from WordPress, Blogger, and other platforms into Squarespace.
Yes, it has built-in analytics features that enable you to track page views, traffic sources, and reader engagement.
Yes, Squarespace blogs are made mobile-friendly by default.
Yes, Squarespace makes it easy to connect with social media for the sharing of posts and feeds.
Yes, you can build an email list and send out newsletters through Email Campaigns from the Squarespace platform.
Yes, your posts can have their comments with moderation options built in by Squarespace.
Yes, SSL security, automatic updates, and hosting offered by Squarespace will keep your blog safe.
Yes, the Squarespace mobile app allows you to create, edit, and manage blog posts while on the go.
Yes, Google AdSense ads can be added with the use of code blocks.
The primary ones are no provision for third-party plugin support, any customization is scant compared to WordPress, and no free plan at all.
So, is Squarespace good for blogging? If you are looking for a one-stop shop platform that is easy to use and looks good, then Squarespace is an option. For those interested in flexibility and scalability with some advanced SEO options, WordPress would be the better option. Ultimately, it would come down to blogging goals, budget, and technical proficiency.
PRESENTYBOX is a website design studio serving clients worldwide. Specializing in Showit WIX & Squarespace website design for female entrepreneurs.